As the sole owner of Sensual Sweets I am dedicated to bringing you quality products that you may not be able to purchase in stores near you.

I was blessed to be a stay-at-home mom for 17 years however I recently became separated and have jumped back into the work force full-time. About two years ago I came across some exotic snacks that I had never seen before. I became interested in trying them and all different snacks from other parts of the world. I traveled to Europe and other countries where I had the opportunity to enjoy exotic and unknown snacks and sweets. I still craved those foods once I was back home in the US however they were obviously not readily available to me here. I decided to find a way to bring snacks from around the world to the US and right to other's doorsteps, therefore Sensual Sweets was created!

Hopefully I can tantalize your taste buds with some exotic Sensual Sweets that will satisfy all your cravings and mine!

- Maria